Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Remembering Ike

We are still doing cleanup around our house after Ike came through. It was a bad time for everyone who lives in my area. We didn't have any electricity for 11 days, and that was not nice. But we did find that we could hang in there though. At least we had hot water, which a lot of people did not. My Dad did a BBQ just about every day, and that was OK. It was nice to see how everyone in Houston helped out. We ran out of food and found out that one of the churches were giving out food, ice and water, so we went and they were so nice. They gave us three bags of ice a case of water and lots of food. I think we will be better prepared next year.


  1. I came over from your Dad's blog. keep up the good work!!!

  2. Mother Nature is not to be reckoned with, she always wins! Prayers to all during this extremely long clean-up period!

    ~AirmanMom returning to her blog....

  3. Guyk at Charming, Just Charming said to stop by and say Howdy. Howdy.

  4. Got here via GuyK at Charming, Just Charming. Sorry about the hardships of bad weather hope all is going well by now. Welcome to the sphere and thanks for the visit to your home. Nice Digs!!!

  5. GuyK sent me over here. Guy and Sweetthing are very close friends of mine. He loves to come to Georgia and fish and shoot guns, many guns. Welcome aboard and be safe, Catfish

  6. A howdy from the almost far west.

    Another Guyk reader.

    I've seen a few messes from weather, but nothing that can compare to a hurricane.

    Enjoy and depend on some old guys stoppin by now and again to say hiya or atta girl.
